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Philosophy and Motivation

 Always aim and strike the perfect score, and also be a winner at all time!          

Help Yourself! Control your destiny...


Two bird's eggs                                  Two baby birds were sleeping             Two hungry baby birds waiting to be fed

These original pictures were taken after a mother bird decided to make a nest on a tree in my home compound. FYI, until now there were 3 sets of 2 baby birds each born in my home compound, all of them were there until they were able to fly and leave the nest. And... I was called by my family as "atuk" for the baby birds!

 Bonus: You can view 2 birds born in May 2007 here --> (2.7M MPG video) [13/8/07 @ 11:00PM]

Updated: 2 pairs more were born in May 2008. Unfortunately, 1 baby bird from 1 pair was dead when it fell from its nest due to strong wind, I think :(  [16/6/08 @ 12:30 pm]  SEE BELOW!


Before:    We need someone (Thank you mother!) to feed us food when we were small.               Analogy:    Primary school students

Later:       It is our responsibility to get food and feed ourselves when we have grown up!          Analogy:    University students

             As a university student, you are now in control of your destiny!

             Help yourself now for your future! Study hard and study smart...

             Seek knowledge and get "fat" with the knowledge, don't wait to be "fed" only!


  1. Always attend to lecture and tutorial.
    • Be punctual.
    • Try to sit at the front row so you can focus 100% in the class.
    • Do the assignments yourself before come to the tutorial class.
    • Make use of the tutorial class as the time to ask any question that you don’t understand in lecture.
  1. Set a target
    • Target your GPA for the semester.
    • Check the percentage distribution for the carry mark and target to get above 40/50.
  1. Pre-study, in class study and post-study.
    • Do a lot of exercises for calculation subject.
    • Read before and after class and do your own notes referring to the text book and lecture notes for reading subject.
    • During lecture, note down everything that you understand in class and not just copy everything, it is a waste of time.
  1. Choose the right friend and always meet the lecturer.
    • Get along with good and smart friends and make them as the second source after your lecturer if you have any question, as we spend more time with friends.
    • Meet the lecturer consistently every week to ask questions and make sure the lecturer at least know your name.
  1. Time management.
    • Make a daily timetable.
    • Study consistently, no particular study hour suggested, the time hour depends on what we plan to understand on that day.
    • Do past semester exam papers before test and final exam.


Tales of two baby birds born in May 2008...


         Two bird's eggs                                   Two baby birds were sleeping             Two hungry baby birds waiting to be fed


       2 baby birds got bigger, with hair    1 baby bird left alone after the other died    The last baby bird 1 day before it flew from its nest

 View video of 2 birds born in May 2008 here --> (1.83M AVI video)   (Download 678K 3gp video here!)

[11/11/08 @ 17:00PM]


(Maksudnya dekat bawah tu: Kalau study nota kuliah semasa dekat waktu peperiksaan saja maka bahan yang dibincangkan dalam kuliah sembilan minggu lepas cuma boleh diingat 20% saja, atau dalam bahasa tidak bertapisnya boleh dapat E sahaja! Jadi, jangan tunggu lama-lama untuk buat ulangkaji nota bahan-bahan yang telah dipelajari semasa kuliah, buat ulangkaji secepat mungkin...)

The Forgetting Curve

Review Amount you are likely to recall if you do review.
Not Review Amount you are likely to recall if you do not review.

Reviewing notes after class each day, or at least before you go to bed, will help recall, as the graph shows.  At the end of nine weeks, those who reviewed their notes within a day recalled about 75% of the information.  Those who did not review their notes were unable to recall even 50% of the information after one day and only a little more than 20% of the information after nine weeks.

We learn through repetition.  When you review your notes, you may  want to add additional information you recall from class or add questions in the margins to help you study the material later.  You may also find that you don't understand some of the things you wrote so you may want to ask the professor or a friend in the class to get clarification.